Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Occupation Six and a Half Years Later
Tom Shoup, the Editor at Large for Government Executive posted on July 29.2022, a retrospective look at the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon that began on January 2, 2016 and lasted for nearly six weeks. The article is entitled, “The Time Armed Militants Occupied a Federal Building (Not the Capitol)” with a subtitle that states, “Before Jan. 6, 2021, there was Jan. 2, 2016.” You may view the article here.
As Mr. Shoup notes, “Those who occupied the refuge had little interest in the wildlife there or its protection. They were out to strike a blow against the very idea that the federal government should own or control land that could be used by farmers and ranchers.”
Before the occupation ended, it resulted in one death. On January 26, 2016, Oregon State Police and the FBI confronted protestors on U.S. 395 north of Burns, Oregon. By the time it was over Robert “La Voy” Finicum was dead.
Previous postings about the Malheur occupation at include:
- Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Occupation — February 12, 2016
- A Lingering Effect of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Occupation — October 18, 2016
- Malheur Wildlife Preserve Occupier Acquitted — October 28, 2016
- Perspective on the Malheur Wildlife Preserve Occupation Court “Victory” — November 9, 2016
- Armed Malheur Wildlife Preserve Occupiers Made False Claims About History — November 13, 2016
- Malheur Occupier Receives a Prison Sentence — November 17, 2017
- Malheur Occupation Reflected an Alternative View of Government Land Management — November 23, 2017
- Another Malheur Occupier Goes to Prison — November 23, 2017
- Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Occupation Two Years Later — January 19, 2018
- Family of Armed Malheur Occupier Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit — January 30, 2018
- Acquittals and Soft Sentences for the Armed Occupation of Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge — April 13, 2018
- A Film About the Occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge — April 27, 2018
- POTUS 45 Issues Pardons in Case that Inspired Armed Occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Preserve — July 10, 2018
- Former Oregon County Commissioner Threatened in Connection with the Malheur National Wildlife Occupation of 2016 — November 9, 2019
- Washington Representative Matt Shea Engage in Domestic Terrorism in Connection with the Malheur National Wildlife Reserve Occupation in 2016 — December 23, 2019
- The Residual Power of Ammon Bundy — February 21, 2020